Studies on health care surrogates provide marketing opportunities for estate planning attorneys
My guest blog post this month for the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys analyzes two studies that found that health care surrogates are called on to make medical decisions very frequently. You can use these results in your marketing to new clients or as an opportunity to reconnect with existing clients. Read the full article here.
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September 19, 2016 | Estate Planning / Elder Law Marketing | Comments(1)
How Will Law Schools Teach Estate Planning and Elder Law?
Will elder law will become much more about capacity matters and much less about Medicaid planning? This is one suggestion resulting from The Association of American Law Schools' academic symposium looking at the future of estate law and elder law as our population ages. The AALS undertook this project as a way to plan future law school curriculum in these areas. The result is Capacity, Conflict, and Change: Elder Law and Estate Planning Themes in an Aging World, now available online in the 2012-13 Symposium Issue of the Penn State Law Review.
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May 8, 2013 | Estate Planning / Elder Law Marketing | Comments(0)
Senior Designations for Financial Advisors
Thursday, May 9, from 3-4 p.m. EDT, the Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau is hosting a Twitter chat about “senior designations” used by financial advisers who imply that they specialize in giving advice to seniors. This twitter chat comes on the heels of the CFPB's report last month on this topic.. You can get some community service exposure, and the report might be useful in helping you guide clients toward appropriate financial advisors and steer them away from inappropriate ones.
CFPB’s directions: “Use the #SeniorMoney hashtag. You can join the conversation and help seniors by suggesting resources, answering questions, and providing moral support. You can participate wherever you are -- just watch your Twitter feed and respond to questions and comments with the hashtag #SeniorMoney. Follow us on Twitter -- we're @cfpb -- and on May 9, be ready with tips, answers, and opinions for seniors.”
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May 8, 2013 | Estate Planning / Elder Law Marketing | Comments(0)
The Conversation Project
The Conversation Project has some great tools to help anyone -- including clients -- start the difficult talk with loved ones about end-of-life care wishes. The free Starter Kit gently coaches people on how to have this conversation. And its short worksheets help people think in simple, non-medical terms about their goals at the end of life and for living with advanced illness.
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January 31, 2013 | Estate Planning / Elder Law Marketing | Comments(0)