Frequently Asked Questions
Questions Attorneys Ask About DocuBank
Why should I provide DocuBank to my clients?
- Build your clients' confidence that you have planned for every contingency, including how to protect their healthcare wishes by providing them with a way to obtain their advance directives in a medical emergency.
- DocuBank is important for your clients. Of all legal documents, only advance directives may be needed quickly for life and death decisions. But when needed in hospitals, advance directives are not available in 74% of cases. Demonstrate that you are concerned about your clients' well-being, and build long lasting relationships.
- Stand apart from local colleagues by providing an inexpensive value-added gift that provides a higher level of client service.
- Benefit from the ongoing marketing benefits that DocuBank provides for you. Annual letters remind clients that you provided the service and encourages them to contact you if their financial situation has changed.
How much does DocuBank Cost?
- There are no start up costs for your firm. The only cost for you is the price of each individual enrollment. As a providing attorney you are eligible for a discounted enrollment fee, call the office or email to find out more.
How does DocuBank work?
- Your client carries the DocuBank Card in their wallet.
- When admitted, your client asks for the fax number for the admissions office and calls the 800 number to get their information sent immediately. Or a loved one or hospital staff use the card to complete this process themselves.
- DocuBank also provides the hospital with the names and telephone numbers of three emergency contacts, the name and contact information of a primary physician and important medical allergies and conditions. Clients can also opt to add a medication list, medical history and vaccination information to the documents that DocuBank makes available to hospitals.
- Clients also receive a personal online SAFE. Clients can upload their entire estate plan to the SAFE and set up SAFEShare accounts to allow limited access to those they trust. SAFE is included with every DocuBank membership at no additional cost.
How do I enroll my clients?
- Complete an Attorney Application. (see the link on the left).
- Your DocuBank Contact will follow up to answer any questions.
- Talk to your clients about the benefits of DocuBank and have them sign the enrollment form (available in many document software products) and provide copies of their healthcare directives.
- Submit the enrollment form, a copy of all advance directives (living will, health care power of attorney, HIPAA release or other advance directives) along with payment. You can submit via email or fax.
How do I bill for DocuBank services?
- As an attorney, you are eligible for a discount on DocuBank fees. Please ask us about other discounts for which you may be eligible. You have several billing options from which to choose:
A Value-Added Client Gift
Most attorneys choose to pay for the initial membership and build the DocuBank fee into the "lump sum" fee for their estate planning package. With this approach, your clients receive their intial Docubank membership, whether for one year or five years, as a gift from you as part of their package.
Part of your Annual Client Program
Hundreds of attorneys include DocuBank memberships and renewals as part of their successful maintenance programs. The DocuBank Emergency Card offers a tangible part of their program and the additional discounts and benefits make adding the value of DocuBank to the annual program cost effective.
A Discounted Offer
You can bill your clients directly for the DocuBank fee, offering them your discounted rate.
If your firm participates in an annual client continuation program, you will have a meeting to discuss how best to incorporate the DocuBank service with your program.
If you do not have a client program which includes DocuBank renewals, DocuBank will contact your client directly to renew their membership at the end of the initial membership period.
What about my clients who already have a living will?
- You can enroll clients who have already completed advance directives. You can offer a membership to each one, or you can inform them about DocuBank as a means to stay in touch with them. Talking to clients about DocuBank can be a great incentive to get them back in your office to take a look at their documents.