Estate Planning Attorneys Discuss DocuBank
Attorneys are impressed by the service DocuBank provides, as well as the message it sends to clients: "We do whatever it takes to help you maintain control of your medical care."
"First, it is a wonderful sales tool that makes my firm stand out from my competitors. Second, it provides a ready answer when clients ask “how will anyone know I have a healthcare power of attorney or living will if I’m injured and unconscious?” Third, I’ve seen it work personally with my own family and have received many positive comments from clients who have had to use their DocuBank cards when confronted with unforeseen emergencies. It works, it makes my clients feel good, and is the best solution on the market..." "DocuBank is part of every estate plan. It's virtually automatic. The power of attorney gets recorded and the living will gets registered with DocuBank.... I also appreciate that DocuBank checks with my clients each year to confirm the document and update their family phone numbers." "Our clients are motivated by our offer to include the cost of the DocuBank program as a part of the fee we charge to prepare the estate plan. The DocuBank program is an example of added value which sets us apart from other estate planners. It says 'we have an ever greater concern for you.'"
If you'd like to speak to a firm about DocuBank, let us know, we'll send you a list of firms happy to talk. |
"It's totally worthwhile and a very nominal cost. It's a valuable service that becomes even more important as our clients age. It makes sense that, without DocuBank, documents wouldn't be readily available." "I give my clients a five-year gift. It's a way for me to show them that I am committed to making their documents work. It's not a come-on; they don't even know about DocuBank until the signing. Overwhelmingly, my clients think it's great." "DocuBank generates referrals. Clients are impressed by it and tell their friends. DocuBank is a value-added service. It sets us apart from the competition as more competent and concerned." "We conduct monthly seminars for our prospects and clients and we market this service as a connection of planning to real life. It is always very successfully received and absolutely worth the cost to the firm. We've been offering DocuBank for over 20 years and we have clients who are NOT shy stating how helpful it is to have access to health care documents regardless of where they are traveling or time of day. " |